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#1 Australian Consultant

Yes, it was only a few weeks ago when neighbours of Ziril Starrz pointed out in delight to Ziril announcing that he was announced as Australia's #1 Consultant 2024.

"To be listed and announced as such equates to resilience and strong support".

Having a solid foundation of home, family, friends and sexual activity contributes to some of Ziril's health lifestyle choices as his lifestyle choice is considered well balanced on an international scale and capability.

After closing down his national art school in September 2023, he released 2 board games, Legend of Fantasopia | Forever & Perfect Eternity in 2023 & Legend of Eternal Eternity Cavern of Sirens in 2024, complimenting his Legend of Fantasopia Suite with his ground breaking movie 'Legend of Fantasopia'.

From February to May 2024 he co founded a First Nations Rainbow Folk Suicide Prevention Focus Group addressing mental health issues such as homophobia with Queensland Council for LGBTIQ+ Health neutralising stigma frequencies.

Further to his portfolio, he was asked to be a Keynote Speaker at a First Nations Conference held in Canberra in June 2024, in which he delivered a presentation on a national scale.

Trying to catch up with Ziril, he just finished facilitating Creative Wings Workshops on the weekend and doing a showcasing tour of the Forever Tour, with followers and supporters stopping in at Crystal Castle and touching snow for the first time in Thredbo which further inspired him with his recent Fashion Launch of Forever & Perfect Eternity Wear that can be checked out on youtube.

He acknowledges his support and peer network. He finds balance in keeping things simple in alot of his choices, having to turn away many fine offers always keeping his family in mind and keeping serenity with his personal philosophy.


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