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Getting intimate with Cherissma

Cherissma Costello sits on the Asia Pacific Women's Leadership Advisory Board. CQU Law Alumni and is seeking selection as a candidate in the upcoming election.

Linage is First Nations Meerooni (1770 Agnes Waters), Gooreng (Calrossi), with her animal totems being the carpet snake (moiety), long neck fresh water turtle, emu (gooreng gooreng) on her fathers heritage from Santo Island, Vanuatu.

While mothers heritage is Idingi (Cairns), Torres Strait, Meriam Mir, Mabiuag (East & West) and Mer. Her animal totems on her mothers side are the kingfisher, crocodile, geko and dugong.

Whilst her marriage lines connect her Nunukul and Darumbal.

Operating her own business for 10 years, Consulting in Project Management with another Business Start Up project in Port Curtis Native Title Cultural Heritage Footprint.

Her explosive passion, led her to submit a Report with CQU to the Federal Government Policies and Strategies on Indigenous Tourism on the Great Barrier Reef.

Today, she celebrates her connectedness to the Great Barrier Reef through her bloodlines.

Cherissma explains that

She is unable to eat the dugong, as it is her animal totem and its connection with the Gelam the Man from Moa Story

Deeply connected to Kustoms and Laws, she successfully gained a Pilot Program for commercial use of Natural Resources in Natural Parks and Protected areas. She wrote the protected areas Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) for the Port Curtus Native Title Claim.

Costello has contributed to Human Rights to Civil Liberties, advertising for equity justice and change to current laws that conflict with these inherent rights of natural freedom of liberty and survival.

Her ambition now is to be an independant voice to the Commonwealth Parliament representing the rights and freedom of Queenslander's, especially those represented ancestral land, air, waters of the Great Barrier Reef (NGAMIIR).

Due diligence and process according to the provisions of the "Commonwealth Electoral ACT 1918" which is regulated by the Australian Electorial Commission (AEC).


Article by: Ziril Starrz | 03.05.2022

Copywriter: 💎 Affinity



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