Diamond Arcania Art Gallery admits Growing Pains by Artist Monica Vernon into the private Collection of Ziril Heartzen Starrz.
Beautifully hand chizeled on plastic with sewings and cuttings of drawings on plastic on the subject matter Preserved II: Art in a Jar, Monica's artwork was one of many artworks that was on display at the Art Exhibition that finishes in February 2024 before being acquired by the Diamond Arcania Art Gallery.
Monica's piece invites us into her younger memories of show and tell at school with her sons similar experiences of having taking her pet brown snake to school and not being offered a lift to school with other awkward experiences.
Her piece explores her fascination with creatures with very interesting techniques of art shades.
Whilst most of the artworks on the subject matter were a delight of various inspirations in glass jars, this piece caught the eye from the unusualness of a cutting design of a jar with creatures in it. The intricut carved designs of the creatures with painted shades drew 💎 Arcania Art Gallery into the fascinating Natural World.
Copywriter: 💎 Affinity | 10.12.2023